Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Short update

Belle's Bday ~

This couple is eccentric ~


Today ,
Ya I get caught in schoool again, why always me. I damn pissed off, I swear!
& Its not like Im the only one who dyes hair to school, fuck NO?!

&& most dulan thing was, she even catch my skirt, for what aunty?
I damn swear it, my skirt is longer than some girls in the schoooool ~
one word - CB. (pardon me, i angry leh)
Still say what " If you need to lengthen your skirt, pass to me, I charged you FOC"
GOOD, rmb what you said to me,
Im gonna bring 5skirts to school one day for you to lengthen for me

&&& Im expected to dye my hair back, black.
I just dyed my hair ash blonde/green neh, if I dye black again, my hair = weed loh.
SIGH. okay sway enuf, I admit :(
After being caught, I was so affected, all bcos I was super-duper angry.
All my a/c answers all sala ~ T.T Do 2 Questions, 2 also wrong, omg.
Everything just didnt go smoothly for me loh. tsk. 明天会更好 ba ~
Needa go slp alrdy, ciaos !

P.S: good night rarry-lemon !

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