went for medicure (: did gel extension for $60 only, love it !
After work,went Labrador park .. with baby,Jimmy & Ah tan.
Last photos taken with baby, b4 he left for wallaby :(
Im sick........ ! :( Throat infection! -.- Its fucking pain~ Its like sawing my throat each time I tried to swallow my saliva. I even had phobia of swallowing seriously. I totally don't wanna swallow till I must always go to the basin and spit the excess saliva that replenished in my mouth. T.T Life's so miserable for me.
Andddddd, I realised something! Whenever I get my pay, something MUST happen to me, is like a must. I'll either get sore throat or eye infection, is like confirm tio one. Why 4D can't be so zun like my sickness ahhhhhh? -.-
Alright, shall update tml, needa get plenty of rest alrdy, byebye.